Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday's Homework

  1. English - Due Wednesday

  2. -Choose your persuasive essay topic

  3. -Do some research

  4. -Decide on the topics for your three body paragraphs

  5. -Finish the rough copy for one body paragraph

  6. -Keep track of all references

  7. Math

  • 1.Explain what fractions are.
    2.Draw any fraction and draw an arrow to the numerator and denominator.
    3.Explain what the denominator actually means in any fraction.
    4.Explain what the numerator actually means in any fraction.
    5.What operation does the horizontal line between the numerator and denominator represent?
    6.Explain and make on example of the following: mixed number, improper fraction.
    7.Reduce the following fractions to lowest terms:
    60/180 35/75 36/312 1000000/10000000
    8. Draw a picture that represents six-ninths of a chocolate bar.
    9. Complete pg 305 #1-9