Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday's Homework

  • Math - mini-test on Monday: solving expression, solving equations, explain the difference between expression and equation, word problems to make simple expressions and word problem to make simple equations, algebraic reasoning video game questions (level 3)

  • optional homework - pg 281 #16 pg 287 #11 pg 297 #3, 4

  • History Questions: 1.Explain what a census is. 2.Why would a census be useful to the government of New France. 3.List at least five specific things that could be learned by taking a census. 4.What were the main cities within New France in 1666 and what were their respective populations. 5.Why do you think these cities were located by the St, Lawrence river. 6.Looking at the pie chart on page 35, what can you learn? 7.Why is a low population of females an issue for a growing colony? 8.What were the five most popular trade occupations in New France. 9.Briefly describe all groups of individuals at the bottom of the civil hierarchy in New France (Indentured servants, criminals, slaves, first nations people). 10.Explain what mercantilism means. 11.Explain what triangular trade is. Include a quick sketch. 12.What were the two main things that were essential to the economy of New France. 13.Briefly describe some differences between Montreal in 1725 and Montreal in the present.

  • English - glue your persuasive essay paragraphs (rough copy only) to a large paper background -create labels showing introduction/thesis statement, topic sentence and body paragraph #1, t.s. + b.p. #2, t.s. +counterargument, t.s. + b.p. #3, conclusion

  • Signatures - Math Test (41) and Geo Presentations (20)

  • Signatures are Due by TUESDAY